About Me

Hello there! I’m Varun Kumar Sanghai, a finance content creator and blogger. After finishing my B.Com Honors in Accounting and Finance, I took a deep dive into India’s financial world, and boy, did I realize we have a long road ahead of us! You see, I believe that understanding finance is a mandatory skill, not just for finance professionals, but for all of us. Managing our hard-earned money – it’s something we all do daily, right?

Yet, I found that most folks, even some of my smartest friends, struggle to grasp the basics. I’ve seen people mismanage or lose their money simply because they lacked the right knowledge. That’s why I couldn’t just sit back. I decided what better way to contribute to India’s journey towards financial savvy than by using the power of words. That’s how my blog was born.

My Vision

My Mission

My Process

Wondering how I do this? I start by keeping my ears open to what you, the reader, want to know. I scour the internet, find the trending financial inquiries, and answer these through my relatable and engaging blog posts. But it doesn’t end there. I constantly research the burgeoning fintech companies, review their services, separate the wheat from the chaff, all to ensure you get the best-fit financial tools at your fingertips.

As Featured In

During my journey, I had opportunities to collaborate and share my insights with other passionate individuals. You can find my guest posts on platforms like www.ilampadman.com, www.cashbro.in, and www.f1den.com.

Now that you know a bit about me and my mission, why not explore my blog or reach out to connect? I’m excited to accompany you on your journey to becoming financially confident and in control.